What Episode Shows Flashback of Peppa and Susie as Babies on Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig is a British pre-school animated television series created, directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies (the same team that made The Big Knights and who also make Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom) and distributed by Entertainment One. Debuted in 2004, with new episodes premiering as of August 2021, and renewed through at least 2027.

The series centers on Peppa and her family and friends. Other characters are other anthropomorphic animals whose names always start with the first letter of the name of the animal they represent. Popular enough in the UK to have an entire section of a children's theme park (Paulton's Park) called Peppa Pig World open in 2011. As of 2021, it is now popular enough in the U.S. to be getting its theme park there as well.

It's so popular in the UK in fact, it may as well be one of the only shows in history to have episodes premiere in cinemas. No, we're not joking. The massive international popularity of the series resulted in the Chinese release Peppa Celebrates Chinese New Year, with plans for a limited subtitled U.S. release as well. We're not joking about this either.

A video game based on the show, My Friend Peppa Pig, was released on October 22, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC, with the former two versions being compatible with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Peppa loves tropes. Everybody loves tropes!

  • Acquired Error at the Printer: "Mummy Pig's Book" is about Peppa and George getting a record-breaking highscore on "Happy Ms. Chicken" via keyboard spamming, which ends up overwriting Mummy's storybook about a onion who tries to be funny to others. This isn't discovered by Mummy until the book gets released, which starts with the story then jump-cuts (after the first two pages) to Peppa and George's scoreboard. Everyone finds it funny, but Peppa and George know the truth.
  • Adult Fear: In "London." The playgroup's double-decker bus only barely manages its jump over Tower Bridge, and even then, the bus is left teetering on the edge of its landing. The group has to move to the front of the bus in order to tip it safely onto the road.
  • Aerith and Bob: While most characters have common names like Danny, Suzy or Zoe, Peppa and Candy' names are much rarer.
  • All Balloons Have Helium: In Mummy Pig's Birthday
  • Alliterative Name:
    • Peppa Pig, and most of her friends (Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep, Zoe Zebra, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit, et al.)
    • Even Peppa and her friends agree that they like it when their names start with the same letter as the name of the species they are. For example, in "Mummy Rabbit's Bump", Peppa and some of her friends get to pick out a name for Mummy Rabbit's baby. Pedro's suggestions elicit strong questioning/rejection.

      Pedro: Sharon Rabbit.

      Suzy: I don't think so, Pedro.

      Peppa: Sharon Rabbit sounds wrong...

      (later on)

      Pedro: Michael Rabbit.

      Peppa, Suzy and Rebecca: Michael Rabbit?!? No!

    • Joey Kangaroo averts this trope. However, he still has a Punny Name.
    • George Pig, Chloe Pig and Alexander Pig are more obvious aversions. In general, those characters outside the Competence Zone of Peppa and her friends avert this trope (Older characters are "Mummy", "Daddy", or other titles, and younger are like George.)
  • Alliterative Title: Peppa Pig. Her friends are also named this way.
  • Alternative Foreign Theme Song: The Japanese version that aired on Cartoon Network used "Colorful Fanfare" by ROCO as its theme song.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: All of the parents featured in "School Play". They all take photos when they're not supposed to, and a few also call out to their children during the play.
  • Ambiguous Situation: There are several moments where a child either outsmarts an adult or the adult is humouring the child by letting them think they outsmarted them. The adult's tone makes it unclear.
  • Americans Are Cowboys: Pedro likes to play cowboy in his spare time, and when he draws America for International Day, he just comes to school in his cowboy outfit.
  • Animals Not to Scale:
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Mr. Potato.
  • Art Evolution: As the series progresses, the animation gets smoother and there's subtle improvements to the art.
  • Artistic License – Biology:
    • In "George Catches a Cold", George walks into the rain without a hat and suffers the common cold. This is a myth, as cold is caused by viruses, not coldness and wetness.
    • Rosie and Robbie Rabbit are born in a few minutes in "Mummy Rabbit's Bump". In real life, childbirth lasts hours for humans, but this would be about right for rabbits. That being said, Mummy Rabbit's pregnancy is nine months long while the average gestation period for real-life rabbits is 31 days.
    • In one episode, Pedro breaks his leg. Thankfully it heals, but if he were a real-life horse, he would be crippled for life.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: In-universe - when the kids visit the dinosaur exhibit in Potato City, Edmund Elephant points out that the dinosaurs they have living together didn't actually live in the same era. The kids also basically get the attendant of the dinosaur exhibit to admit that the only reason they have a dinosaur exhibit at Potato City is because Everything's Better with Dinosaurs.
  • A Wizard Did It: Played With near the end of "Shopping". A chocolate cake is scanned, and it turns out it wasn't on the list. Daddy Pig confesses to getting it off-screen despite not being clearly shown in the cart.
  • Baby's First Words: Peppa's first word was "Mummy", George's was "dinosaur" and Alexander's was "puddles".
  • Beeping Computers: In "The Library," when Daddy Pig's library book is scanned in as ten years overdue, the library computer actually sounds and flashes a siren and displays a frowny face.
  • Bilingual Animal: The animals can both talk and make their sounds. Daddy Pig's loud snort is a Running Gag.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Peppa's house looks to be about four or five "Daddy Pig"s across when they are standing outside of it. Plenty of room indoors, though.
  • Blind Without 'Em: Daddy Pig & Pedro Pony. When both lose their glasses in separate episodes, they have a hard time telling what's what and who's who.
  • Brainy Pig: The main characters are anthropomorphic pigs that are usually of average intelligence, however:
    • Downplayed for George. His first word is said to have been "dinosaur", hinting at his interest in paleontology, but other than that he's mainly a normal toddler.
    • Zigzagged for Daddy Pig. On the one hand, he's accident-prone and often claims to be an expert on things he doesn't know squat about. On the other hand, he's implied to be an engineer and has extreme DIY skills.
  • "Brave the Ride" Plot: Downplayed one episode and where it's just one scene, not an entire plot. The Pig family is about to go on a roller coaster and the females are excited but the males are scared. George eventually wusses out and sits on the bench instead, but Daddy Pig reluctantly rides it.
  • Bumbling Dad: Daddy Pig can be this when he doesn't exactly know what he's doing.
  • Captain Obvious: The Narrator normally makes unneeded comments on what's happening. Justified as the show is aimed at young children.
  • Carnivore Confusion: Subverted in "The Zoo." Mr. Lion, a guide at the zoo, keeps calling Madame Gazelle a wildebeest, and it seems as though he could be compelled to eat her at any moment.
  • Characterization Marches On: When first introduced in her introductory episode, Emily Elephant was shy and modest, however in the same episode onwards, after winning a loud animal sound making contest on recess, she has become more cheerful and outgoing.
  • Cheated Angle: The characters only ever face in two directions and both eyes are always on whatever side of their face is facing the viewer.
  • Child Prodigy: Edmond Elephant is "a clever clogs." and knows a lot of random facts. He also is two but has perfect speech.
  • Christmas Episode: "Santa's Grotto" and the follow-up "Santa's Visit" are about Christmas (and Santa).
  • Clark Kenting: In "Super Potato" Mr. Potato visits the class and leaves the room before his friend Super Potato comes in to entertain the children. Then Super Potato leaves before Mr. Potato comes back in. Then as he's leaving the school, Mr. Potato gets stuck in his car and everyone calls for Super Potato to come to the rescue. Subverted, as Super Potato shows up, showing they're seperate people.
  • The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Related: Pedro's father is an optician, but Pedro is the only child that needs glasses.
  • Cool Old Lady: Madame Gazelle is old enough to have taught the parents, plays a mean guitar, used to be in a band, and was a world champion skiier.
    • The Queen isn't too uptight to join in a round of jumping up and down in muddy puddles , and she drove the playgroup's double decker bus over Tower Bridge during their tour of London.
  • Creative Closing Credits: If a character or characters sing a song within a story, it will generally be reprised during the closing credits, instead of the normal theme tune instrumental.
  • Cue the Rain: In the "Thunderstorm" episode, after Daddy Pig says "Plenty of time before it rains."
  • Cute, but Cacophonic:
    • In the Spain Dub, When Richard cries, he sounds like he's shrieking.
    • Baby Alexander's wailing is loud enough to be heard from quite a while away. Although it's justified, since he is a baby.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage:
    • Peppa, her classmates and Daddy Pig play a lively rock-and-roll version of the theme tune in "Shake, Rattle and Bang" to end the episode. The same tune is then played over the closing credits.
    • In the beginning of the episode "Whistling", Daddy Pig whistles the theme tune while he reads the newspaper. Peppa hears this and spends the entire episode trying to whistle (and getting dismayed by the fact everyone else can.) By the end of the episode, Peppa figures out how to whistle, and the tune she whistles is, of course, the theme tune, which is shortly lampshaded by Mummy Pig ("What a lovely tune!").
  • Disappeared Dad:
    • Danny Dog's father has been sailing around the world.
    • Suzy Sheep's father is never seen or heard of.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: In "International Day", the kids dress up as different countries from around the world. They all eventually get into a fight, which is supposed to be analogous to World Wars and other conflicts. To drive it home, Peppa innocently asks if the countries really do argue.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Often laughing so hard that they are all on their backs.
  • Everyone Went to School Together: Madam Gazelle taught the parents of all the kids in Peppa's playgroup, as well. Peppa and her friends get to see the time capsule their parents made after burying one of their own.
  • Evolving Credits: Beginning in 2019 onwards, there are clips shown from previous episodes.
  • Faint in Shock}: Miss Rabbit gets so nervous when meeting The Queen that she faints twice.
  • Fantasy Helmet Enforcement: In a variant, in the first two series, Peppa, George and friends are not seen wearing seat belts in their car, OR wearing bike helmets. From 2009 onwards, all characters appear with both in requisite situations and the creators of the show took the retroactive remedy of editing all older episodes to also feature belts and helmets where applicable.
  • Fat and Proud: Daddy Pig. He doesn't see the point in being fit and is fond of his fat belly (though he believes it to be pure muscle).
  • "Fawlty Towers" Plot: In Daddy Pig Puts Up A Picture, Daddy Pig accidentally breaks the wall when trying to put up a photo of Peppa and George. He manages to mend it before Mummy Pig returns and notices it, and he and the children pretend nothing's happened when she ends up putting up the photo herself.
  • Filthy Fun: Exaggerated. Everyone in this show, even the civilised/clean characters, enjoy muddy puddles.
  • Flanderization: Mr Potato started off as a character from a ordinary kids show note It is shown that the they spoke through Pokémon Speak. Since "Mr. Potato Comes to Town", he has become the local celebrity of Peppa's hometown from opening a theme park, hosting a Christmas stage show, getting a superhero movie, hosting a muddy puddle jumping competition and his show, well it transformed to a educational one (as he was once shown acknowledging Ms. Rabbit's jobs on TV).
  • Frigid Water Is Harmless: One episode has the characters going to the beach in the snow, and Madame Gazelle swims in the sea with her swimsuit on and doesn't get hypothermia. While the others don't want to swim due to finding it unpleasantly cold, hypothermia isn't brought up.
  • Funny Foreigner: Mr. Potato, if his accent is anything to go by.
    • Delphine Donkey and Pedro Pony count as well.
  • Furry Confusion: Among a cast mostly made up of Funny Animals, there's a family of normal ducks.
    • Also, Gerald Giraffe and his family are anthropomorphic, but Gerald's father is a zookeeper for normal animals.
    • The episode in which Peppa and her friends go to the zoo is full of this. Peppa and her friends meet Mr. Lion who looks after the tortoises, Mrs. Crocodile who looks after the penguins, as well as Gerald, who looks after the butterflies. Madame Gazelle is freaked out by both Mr. Lion and Mrs. Crocodile at first, then relaxes when she realizes they aren't wild animals.
    • Peppa and George have a four-legged piggy bank.
  • Furry Reminder: This show likes this trope a lot. To start off, the animals make their species' noises frequently, Peppa Pig and her family enjoy jumping in muddy puddles, and the Rabbit family lives in a burrow and loves carrots.
  • "Getting Ready for Bed" Plot:
    • Peppa and George hear an in-universe story with this kind of plot, about a red monkey going to bed. Peppa finds the story boring, so she's pleased to find more interesting books featuring the same monkey at the library.
    • In-universe, Daddy Pig once makes up a bedtime story about a royal family going to bed, called "The Sleepy Princess".
  • Have You Tried Rebooting?: It almost always works. In one episode, Grandpa Pig does this to his broken computer, which announces that it is now even more broken.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • In "Basketball" when Emily Elephant holds the ball with her trunk instead of her hands, making it so the other kids can't reach it, Peppa starts complaining that that isn't fair. Then Suzy Sheep reminds her that Emily is on their team, at which point Peppa decides it is fair.
    • In "George's Birthday" when Peppa complains to Mummy and Daddy that George woke her up early, they remind her that she did the same thing to George and them in "My Birthday Party". Peppa declares that that was okay because it was her birthday.
    • In the episode where they wash Daddy Pig's shirt, George says he doesn't like pink, which is weird because he is a pink pig himself.
  • Informed Species: Madame Gazelle looks more like some kind of rodent than an actual gazelle.
    • Suzy Sheep doesn't look like an actual sheep at all, rather looking more like a polar bear.
    • Rebecca Rabbit slightly resembles a rabbit.
    • Danny Dog looks more like a cat.
    • Pedro Pony looks nothing like a horse. He actually seems to resemble Arthur.
  • Insistent Terminology:
    • In Grandpa Pig's Train To The Rescue, Gertrude is not a toy train, she is a miniature locomotive. In order, this is insisted by Grandpa Pig, Peppa, all the other passengers, then finally Mrs Rabbit (whose big train had broken down.)
    • In The Golden Boots, Peppa insists that her boots are "golden," but Suzy feels that they're simply "yellow." They get into an Argument of Contradictions about it.
  • I Want My Jetpack: In "The Time Capsule", in the old VCR showing Peppa Pig and friends' parents as young children, Daddy Pig suggests that in the future, people will be living on the moon. That's the same thing Peppa and friends think the future will have.

    Peppa Pig: Silly little Daddy Pig.

  • Kids Hate Vegetables: Played with the episode "Lunch" in which the title character and her family visit her grandparents' house for Exactly What It Says on the Tin where George refuses to eat some vegetables. So Grandpa Pig then rearranges the vegetables to look like a dinosaur, and because of that George eats them and loves it.
  • Kids Prefer Boxes: George ended up playing with the box instead when Daddy Pig and Grandpa Pig took too long setting up the fancy electronic car he got in the Christmas episode.
  • Kitchen Sink Included: in one episode, the pig family rents a camper van with dashboard controls for everything, including the sink.
  • Language Barrier: When the Pigs arrive in Italy, Daddy Pig goes through a lot of trouble trying to ask the rental agent for a car.
  • Large Ham: Grampy Rabbit, who is overly eager and over-the-top at anything he does. Helps he's also played by BRIAN BLESSED, who is quite a hammy actor himself.
  • Leaving Food for Santa: In "Santa's Grotto", Grandpa Pig leaves Santa a mince pie and an unspecified drink. Given British tradition, it was probably sherry. A carrot is also left for Santa's reindeer.
  • Let's Meet the Meat: Mr. Potato is a large sentient potato, but still encourages children to eat fruits and vegetables.
  • Mad Libs Catch Phrase: The Narrator:

    "[Character] likes [what is currently happening]. Everybody likes [what is currently happening]."

  • Minimalist Cast: In the first episodes, Peppa and her family were the only characters who appeared. Later seasons added more characters.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: In one of the Christmas episodes, Peppa falls and gets a bump on her arm from running around the Christmas tree with her new toy car. This somehow warrants a hospital visit and is given priority over patients in the waiting room with broken arms and legs.
  • The Mountains of Illinois:
    • The series never says where it is set. It is supposed to be somewhere in the UK, but things like high, alpine mountains, which aren't found in the UK, appear.
    • Also in most foreign dubs, the dub will change the setting to where the dub takes place. For example, the Brazilian Portuguese version is supposed to have the series set in Brazil despite the fact snow-topped mountains and hills lined with temperate climate vegetation appear.
  • Narrating the Obvious: Taken to extreme levels. Even after a character tells the audience what is going on, the narrator tells them all over again.

    Daddy Pig: Let's get some air into this paddling pool.

    Narrator: Daddy Pig is pumping up the paddling pool.

  • New Baby Episode: The episode "Mummy Rabbit's Bump" has the Pig family visit the Rabbit family and find out that Mrs. Rabbit is nine months pregnant. She then goes into labour and has twins named Rosie and Robby.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: Miss Rabbit doing every random job going is a running joke. Firewoman, supermarket checkout, museum shop, bus driver, train driver, Christmas tree sales ... Lampshaded in "Miss Rabbit's Day Off", in which everyone has to fill in for all her jobs, and in "The Queen" in which Miss Rabbit receives an award from The Queen for being 'The Hardest Worker In the Land'. Apparently played with in the episode where she is about to give birth. It is revealed that in fact, Miss Rabbit is also a Nurse that works at the hospital and that her-never-before-revealed sister, Mummy Rabbit, is the one that gives birth. The book Peppa Pig and the Career Day also has fun with it - Miss Rabbit goes up in front of Peppa's class five different times before, after and in-between all of the other adults that present their jobs.
  • No Antagonist: It is unknown that there will be an Antagonist of the show.
  • No Ending: "Boomerang" (the final part of the Australian Holiday) ends with Peppa and Kyle discussing how the holiday was going so far, ending with the narrator stating that they have had "the best holiday ever". Cue ending credits, thus not giving a "returning back home" episode as with the Italian Holiday 4-parter.
  • Ocular Gushers: The infants (most often George) cry a shower of tears a lot in the show. Peppa gets in on the action after her golden boots are taken by a duck in the special "The Golden Boots."
  • Parental Bonus: There's quite a few jokes which are too subtle to be picked up by children, but an adult can find it mildly humorous, mostly delivered by Daddy Pig and Grampy Rabbit.
  • Pluto Is Expendable: Pluto is excluded when the planets are mentioned at the museum.
  • Running Gag
    • George's obsession with dinosaurs. "George, you always say 'dinosaur'!"
    • Jumping up and down in muddy puddles because "everybody loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles." Even the adults.
    • Daddy Pig climbing in trees to get something, then falling out of them. Lampshaded at least once by Mummy Pig.
    • Whenever the Pig family goes, there's inevitably going to be a gift shop run by Miss Rabbit. Whether it be a museum, a scenic spot, a decrepit run-down shack on an overgrown path to a pond with fish Daddy Pig visited as a child, even on the surface of the moon.
      • Subverted during the pig family's trip to Italy, where Miss Rabbit works as an airport clerk and stewardess, but a goat runs a local gift shop.
    • On every leg of her family's vacation in Italy, Peppa leaves her teddy bear behind, and a police officer returns it to her (after Daddy Pig apologizes for "committing a crime," stating "he won't do it again".)
    • Grampy Rabbit asks everyone if they want to hear a song. The adults say no, the kids say yes, then he sings it.
  • Santa Claus: In "Peppa's Christmas," both Peppa and George get to meet Santa. The episode seems to imply that the only reason Santa goes up and down the chimney is because he never thought of simply using the door. The vocal credits for the episode list "Father Christmas as himself."
  • Santa's Existence Clause: "Peppa's Christmas" has Peppa and George meeting Santa. The others believe in Santa but they initially don't believe that the two got to see him.
  • School Play: Peppa's class acts out Little Red Riding Hood for the parents. Then Pedro develops Performance Anxiety; Madame Gazelle joins him on stage.
  • Serious Business: Downplayed. Everyone in the whole world loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. EVERYONE.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The trip to Grampy Rabbit's Dinosaur park has Grampy Rabbit welcoming everyone in the manner of Richard Attenborough in Jurassic Park.
    • An extremely bizarre one: in "Peppa's Christmas", a bunch of cards hanging near the ceiling can be seen occasionally - and one of the cards blatantly has a picture of Haruhi Suzumiya, a Japanese character from the popular light novel and anime series with the same name.
    • When the Queen lands the bus on the edge of the bridge and it wobbles there, her line "Hang on a moment, lads, I've got an idea" is the final line of The Italian Job.
    • Peppa's Australian friend, Kylie Kangaroo, is named after one of the most famous people ever to come from Down Under.
    • Grandpa rabbit's hovercar looks very similar to Zuma's rig from PAW Patrol.
  • Sick Episode: Three of them. In Pedro's Cough, everyone catches a cough that is instantly cured by a yucky pink liquid. In George Catches a Cold, it's Exactly What It Says on the Tin, invoking Catch Your Death of Cold, and in Not Very Well, Peppa gets an undefined rash.
  • Slice of Life
  • Species Surname: All the characters' surname are their species, such as Peppa Pig who is a pig.
  • Stock Audio Clip: Justified Trope. Richard Rabbit and George are both two years old. They don't have much of a vocabulary.
  • Suddenly Bilingual: In "Pen Pal" it suddenly becomes known for no particular reason that Mummy Pig can speak and understand French, and she uses her knowledge to help Peppa talk to her French pen pal Delphine. Her knowing French isn't mentioned again after the episode.
    • Although, it is possible that Mummy Pig is recalling some of her knowledge from school, as it is required that secondary school students in the UK learn at least one language, with French being the most common.
  • Surprise Party: One is held for Madame Gazelle in "Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party" as a leaving party for Madame Gazelle because she had said that she was leaving. The whole thing is a misunderstanding of Peppa's; Madame Gazelle is only going to be gone for a week for a holiday. She even said "no playgroup next week," but Peppa didn't understand. Everybody else believed her because Everyone Went to School Together and so they know Madame Gazelle might be at the point where she'd want to retire.
  • Surprisingly Good Foreign Language: In "Pen Pal", Peppa gets a French pen pal who she also talks with on the phone and later meets. It transpires that Mommy Pig is fairly fluent in French. Daddy Pig claims to be, but is actually awful.
  • Take That!: In "International Day", the kids dress up like people from different countries. They start arguing. When Madame Gazelle asks if they think that actual countries behave like that, Peppa says "Don't they?"
    • Several jabs at Italy occur in the Italian Holiday arc.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: In "Danny's Pirate Party," Peppa and her friends attend a pirate-themed birthday party dressing up as pirates (except for the offbeat Pedro, who has dressed like a cowboy), and Granddad Dog gets in on the fun by dressing up as a pirate also and asking to be called "Dogbeard." However, when he talks like a pirate trying to explain a game he's made up, the kids can't understand him, forcing him to speak more normally.

    Dogbeard: Here be the plan. Time was, I had a heap of gold was mine by right, but I was hornswaggled by one Captain Hog.

    Suzy Sheep: What?

    Narrator: Pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand.

    Dogbeard: Captain Hog took my treasure.

    Kids: Oh.

  • Tarzan Boy: Pedro Pony becomes one for his holiday to the jungle in "Around the World with Peppa".
  • Tempting Fate: Daddy Pig gives Mummy Pig a hard time about flipping pancakes too low. When he gets his chance, a pancake gets stuck to the ceiling.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Every female character wears a dress. On the other hand, the boys have some sort of unspecified clothing... drawn as a simple round shape.
  • "Test Your Strength" Game: One of these appears in the episode "Funfair". After Mr Bull, who is manning the game, makes a rude remark about Daddy Pig's weight, Mummy Pig (who has had sexist remarks doubting her skill made to her by characters manning fairground games) is pushed over the edge. In a fit of rage, she whacks the button so hard it hits the bell five times, winning her all the giant teddies at the fairground.
  • Through a Face Full of Fur: Rebecca Rabbit's face goes really red when blushing despite her fur, and she does it all the time.
  • Token Human: There are at least two humans in Peppa's world: Santa Claus and Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Toilet Training Plot: "Potty Training" revolves around George learning to use the potty chair and learning how to avoid potty accidents.
  • TV Telephone Etiquette: In possibly the most well-known scene on the Internet for the series, Peppa, unable to whistle, hangs up on Suzy Sheep when she whistles on a phone call despite claiming not to even know what whistling is.

    Suzy: Hello?! Peppa?

  • Unnamed Parent: All of Peppa's adult relatives are like this. So everyone calls Peppa's father "Daddy Pig", even his wife, his coworkers and his own father-in-law.
  • Verbal Tic: Everyone. The Pigs snort after every other sentence, while friends of other species sometimes emit their best known sound.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Grandpa Pig and Grandad Dog. They're always bickering saying that each other's boats are old and rusty for a few seconds, but in the end they make up with the Narrator saying "Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig are very best friends".
  • Wacky Cravings: In "Mummy Rabbit's Bump", a pregnant Mummy Rabbit asks for potatoes with jelly, cheese, and strawberry jam. Peppa and friends are appropriately disgusted.
  • Wham Line: "Mummy Rabbit's Bump":

    Mr. Rabbit: Is it a boy or a girl?
    Mummy Rabbit: Both! (Lifts up two crying babies) We've got baby twins!

  • What Are Records?: Averted. When Peppa and George find a record player in Granny and Grandpa's attic, both seem to immediately recognize what it's for and Peppa asks them to play the record that they found with it.
  • World of Funny Animals: Most of the animals on this show are anthropomorphic, resulting in the show having a history of portraying events anyways which are variously realistic for humans in the interest of portraying an outcome more favorable than an animal would have in the same situation note such as Pedro's leg healing after it breaks instead of his suffering from a diminished quality of life or portraying events in a human's life at the pace they unfold for an animal note in one case, justifying Mummy Rabbit going into labor and giving birth to twins in the span of a couple of minutes.
  • You Talk Too Much!: Doctor Brown Bear implies this about Grandpa Rabbit. When he's called up because Grandpa Rabbit lost his voice, he first asks if that's a bad thing. Additionally, in "Chatterbox," when Suzy Sheep wants to tell Peppa about her day, but Peppa just keeps talking and talking instead, she tells Peppa "You talk too much. You go 'blah blah blah blah blah.' Just like that. 'Blah blah blah.'"
  • Zebras Are Just Striped Horses: Zoe. She's a zebra but makes horse sounds instead of barking like a real zebra.

What Episode Shows Flashback of Peppa and Susie as Babies on Peppa Pig

Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/PeppaPig

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